
French language and text analysis A

A Macdonald

8 points - 6 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: Normally a pass in FRN1020

Objectives This subject consists of two parts: (i) Language in use On completion of this part of the subject, students should have developed their performance in the four macro-skill areas (speaking, listening, reading, writing), extended their grammatical and phonetic correction and increased their communicative competence in selected discourse forms. (ii) Reading contemporary France this part of the subject should enable students to develop an explicitly informed practice of reading across a range of codes, discourses and registers representative of French cultural production from the Second World War to the present day.

Synopsis (i) Language in use will engage students in a weekly grammar workshop and in practical language classes developing comprehension and analysis of communication in French as it is realised in a range of audio-visual and print texts and, on that basis, developing oral skills through role-paly and simulation and written skills through text transformation and production. (ii) Students will study contemporary French cultural production through a variety of print, audio and visual texts across a range of codes discourses and registers, situating them in their social, political and cultural contexts and analysing textual structures.

Assessment Part (i) Continuous assessment of oral production: 20% - Written production: 15% - Grammar competence test: 5% - Final listening comprehension test: 5% - Final written exam: 20% - Part (ii) Text analysis: 15% - Tutorial logbook: 20%

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