
Contemporary intellectuals and the idea of Europe

Walter Veit

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton

Objectives Students who have completed this subject should have become familiar with select authors and seminal texts discussing the idea of a united Europe; they will have learnt to put them into their historical context as well as assess critically their philosophical, religious, political and social framework.

Synopsis The subject investigates the diversity of positions held by contemporary intellectuals with respect to the ideas of Europe and European unity, and the cultural tradition that shaped them. It will briefly look back at the history of the idea of and political moves toward European unity but focus primarily on the intellectual debate after 1945. The themes to be discussed are intellectual and cultural identity and diversity, the role of Europe in the region and in the world as a force in politics, economics and security. It will study the integrative and destructive forces within postwar Europe manifested in the polarities of nationalism and internationalism, regionalism and centralism, national identity and multiculturalism/multiethnicity. Some time will be devoted to the discussion of current criticism of European integration, the compelling force of which is being felt in all spheres of public life also outside Europe. The subject will also look at the discussion of European unity in Australia. A wide range of texts will be studied. Students are encouraged to read the texts in the original language. They are encouraged to investigate the changing intellectual debate in prominent European journals like Europe, Europa Archiv, European Quarterly, Merkur, Neue Rundschau, Nouvelle Revue Française, Praxis, etc. A dossier of shorter articles will be prepared by the centre.

Assessment Written work (5000 words): 80% - Examination (1 hour): 20%

Recommended texts

Derrida J The other heading Indiana U P, 1992 (L'autre cap Les éditions de Minuit, 1991)
Enzensberger H M Ach Europe! Suhrkamp (English trans. Penguin, 1987)
Nelson B and others (eds) The idea of Europe OUP, 1992

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