
Nations seeking statehood

Philip Ayres

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton

Objectives Upon completion of the subject, students should understand the importance of regional European separatist movements, the historical development of these movements, their dominant philosophies and how they fit into the wider historical and philosophical tradition of nationalism.

Synopsis This subject examines separatist movements with focus on Euskadi (Basque homeland), Breiz (Brittany), Chechnya, Corsica, Northern League (Italy), Flanders, Scotland, Wales and Quebec, and gives some attention to other areas. For each region there will be a consideration of the historical, cultural and linguistic background; roots and antecedents of current parties and armed offshoots. Contemporary separatisms will be located philosophically within theories of nationalism, and related to the momentum for European unity which paradoxically encourages a 'Europe of the Regions'. Ethnic loyalties, multiple loyalties, the language question, and economic factors will in each case be addressed.

Assessment Written (5000 words): 90% - Examination (1 hour): 10%

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