
International business

Lecturer to be advised

8 points -3 hours per week -First or second semester -Caulfield

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be familiar with the economic, political and cultural environment of international business; understand the impact of the international business environment on international competition and on the ability of enterprises to internationalise; be able to identify and evaluate international business activities applying international business theory and concepts.

Synopsis The purpose of this subject is to provide an introduction to the nature and demands of the international environment on business operations. Students will gain an appreciation of the complexities involved in operating in different countries and cultures. They will also be exposed to the roles played by host governments, international competition and changing political structures, and how this affects the ability of companies to internationalise. As well, the organisational responses within companies (eg structure, marketing, staff) will be explored.

Assessment Two essays (2000 words each ): 50% -Examination (2 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Daniels J and Radebaugh L International business 6th edn, Addison-Wesley, 1992

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