Directed project - corporate environmental management

Offered subject to approval

Mr Doug Holmes

6 points -2 hours per week -Second semester -Clayton

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students will be expected to have developed their understanding and knowledge of the linkages between ecological sustainability and corporate practice, and refined their understanding of corporate environmental management tools and practices. Students will also have gained an understanding of the complexities, barriers, and sources of resistance to ecological sustainability imperatives in a corporate setting. The applied project will enable the student to acquire the skills to identify and develop effective strategies to facilitate change in support of ecological sustainability.

Synopsis This subject is designed as the capstone of the Graduate Diploma of Corporate Environmental Management. It is designed to give students the opportunity to apply the concepts, principles, and knowledge gained in other subjects to a company-based corporate environmental management issue. As such it will equip students with additional professional skills to improve their effectiveness in the workplace. In consultation with the subject coordinator, the student will then prepare a project proposal and negotiate specific project outputs with the subject coordinator. Weekly seminars will be held to discuss progress on projects and to obtain critical feedback. A project write-up and reflective essay will form the major assessment.

Assessment Assessment will include a project proposal (1000 words): 10% -A project write-up (4000 words): 65% -A reflective essay (2000 words): 25%

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