
The life of the text: genesis, production, reception

Harold Love

12 points -2 hours per week -First semester -Clayton

Objectives Students completing this subject should have acquired an ability to analyse oral, scribal and print-media events, and to identify their historical formants and consequences. They should also possess enhanced writing and research skills.

Synopsis This subject is a study of the theory and practice of authorship, publication, and the transmission and reception of literary texts, from the earliest times to the present day.

Assessment Major project: (4000 words): 40% -Essay (2500 words): 30% -Exercise (1500 words): 20% -Seminar paper and class contribution: 10%

Prescribed texts

Australian Government Publishing Service Style manual for authors, editors and printers 5th edn, AGPS, 1994
Ong W Orality and literacy Methuen

Recommended texts

Gaskell P A new introduction to bibliography OUP, 1988
Eggert P (ed.) Editing in Australia NSWUP
Eco E Interpretation and overinterpretation CUP

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