
Analytical and descriptive bibliography

Not offered in 1999

B McMullin

12 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives At the completion of this subject students should be able to produce bibliographical descriptions of complex printed books of the period of hand-printing, be able to assess published arguments based on bibliographical evidence, and be familiar with various techniques of bibliographical analysis.

Synopsis This subject is a study of (a) physical bibliography, with an emphasis on those aspects affecting the transmission of printed texts, (b) analytical and descriptive bibliography, and (c) techniques of bibliographical scholarship.

Assessment Weekly exercises (9000 words): 100%

Recommended texts

Bowers F Principles of bibliographical description any edition
Gaskell P A new introduction to bibliography Clarendon, 1972
Padwick E W Bibliographical method James Clarke, 1969

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