
Rakes and revolutionaries II: literature and opposition, 1660-1800

H Love

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton

Objectives Students successfully completing this subject should have acquired an awareness of the ways literary texts are constructed and communicated in a historical period, and a means of understanding and analysing them.

Synopsis The subject is designed to introduce students to some major English texts of the Augustan era, selected to illustrate the intellectual, political and gender conflicts of the period. Special attention will be given to the relationship of writing to the emerging print-media through a study of prose and verse pamphleteering and a group of 'best-sellers'. It may be taken either as an independent unit or as a continuation of ENH2090. The two subjects taken together would be an excellent preparation for fourth-year (or postgraduate) work on the period.

Assessment Two essays (2500 words each): 80% - Test (1 hour): 20%

Prescribed texts

Burke E Reflections on the revolution in France
Defoe D Moll Flanders Penguin
Fielding H Tom Jones Penguin
Goldsmith O The vicar of Wakefield
Love H (ed.) Restoration verse Penguin
Pope A Collected poems Everyman
Sterne L A sentimental journey through France and Italy Penguin
Swift J Gulliver's travels Penguin
Wollstonecraft M A short residence in Sweden and Godwin W Memoirs of the author of 'The rights of woman' Penguin

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