
Effective writing

H Thomson

6 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Caulfield and Clayton

Objectives By the conclusion of this subject students should (a) be equipped with an enhanced set of writing skills over a variety of writing genres (b) have improved their knowledge of formal grammar enabling them to improve their own writing and as a practical aid to more effective writing (c) have a heightened awareness of the formal elements of different genres of writing, and have exercised this through experimentation and practice (d) have developed a critical awareness of their own and others' writing skills and a knowledge of strategies for improvement (e) be able to apply the writing skills acquired and practised in this subject to their academic writing in other, and particularly literary, studies, where the essay is a major form of assessment (f) have an awareness of the importance of such factors as audience, context and appropriate 'voice' in a variety of writing situations and contexts (g) have broadened their familiarity with a variety of writing styles and strategies.

Synopsis This subject offers practical training in developing writing skills that will benefit academic work and professional life. It aims to assist students to write grammatically, clearly, persuasively and effectively in a variety of writing genres and contexts. It will include writing practice in essays, reports, reviews and short stories. It would make an appropriate accompaniment to the study of English literature, eg ENH1010 (Reading literature I), or as a preparative to second or third-year enrolment in ENH2995/ENH3995 (Writing in theory and practice: an introduction). In addition it will provide the opportunity to acquire and practise some professional writing skills, such as writing reviews, which are cognate with the study of English literature, film, or performance studies.

Assessment Written exercises (2000 words): 50% Folio presentation (1500 words): 30% Test (1000 words): 20%

Prescribed texts

Leech G, Denchar M and Hoogenraad R English Grammar today: A new introduction (revised) Macmillan
Osland D, Boyd D, McKenna W and Salusinsky I Writing in Australia Harcourt Brace
A course handbook will be available from the English department

Recommended texts

Cameron D Verbal hygiene Routledge, 1995
Swales J M Genre analysis: English in academic and research settings CUP, 1990

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