
Technical aspects of performance making

M Coe

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: students must be enrolled for the BPA degree and should have completed PER1040 or DTS1260.

Objectives As for DTS2660 with the additional objective of developing an awareness of the relationship, both in theory and in practice, between design decisions and contemporary theories of audience reception.

Synopsis As for DTS2660.

Assessment Production participation: 40% - 2000-word essay with the inclusion of detailed scale drawings (drawings equivalent to 1000 words): 30% - Seminar presentation and contribution (equivalent to 2000 words): 30% - At third-year level, students must write a comparative essay which demonstrates an awareness of the relationship, both in theory and in practice, between design decisions and contemporary theories of audience reception. Third year students must show in their essay evidence of a more comprehensive and sophisticated reading of studies in their chosen area.

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