
Lifecycle events in music and literature

Fred Klarberg

12 points -3 hours per week -First semester -On-campus or by distance education -Caulfield

Objectives On completion of the subject students will have acquired a knowledge of the contribution of music and literature to a celebration, gained an insight into the materials available, learnt how and where to access further materials and be able to recommend appropriate music and readings.

Synopsis Major musical and literary works associated with rites of passage, mainly from the Western tradition, will be examined and their appropriateness for various occasions discussed. The subject is designed to enable practitioners to advise clients about the range of appropriate possibilities available to them in the planning of their own lifecycle celebrations.

Assessment Essay on music topic (3000 words): 25% -List of 100 appropriate musical works and discussion: 25% -Two literature essays (2000 words each): 25%

Preliminary reading

Fiedler L A Love and death in the American novel Anchor Books, 1992
Meyer L B Emotion and meaning in music University of Chicago Press 1956
Sadie S (ed.) The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians Macmillan, 1980
Strauss J The Oxford book of Australian love poems OUP, 1993

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