
French language

Brian Nelson

8 points -5 or 6 hours per week -First semester -Clayton

Objectives Upon completion of this subject students should be able to demonstrate a level of fluency in French language sufficient to read French literary or critical texts in the original language; and to have completed a program of directed reading in French language texts directly relevant to their thesis topic.

Synopsis Doctoral candidates researching in comparative literature or critical theory are often required to read texts in the original French. This subject is designed to provide students with the appropriate language skills. Students are required to attend a weekly two-hour supervision session with a language tutor, who will also be the associate supervisor for the whole doctoral thesis, and who will organise a program of directed reading in French language texts especially relevant to the thesis topic. In addition students will participate in an appropriate French language class (normally in FRN1070 - see the Arts undergraduate handbook) for the practical purposes of language acquisition.

Assessment One 3000-word essay: 50% -Other assessment as specified for the appropriate French language subject: 50%

Prescribed texts

As required for the appropriate French language subject.

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