
Sources and methods

John Arnold and Jenny Hocking

8 or 12 points -One 2-hour seminar per week -First or second semester -City

Objectives Upon completion of this subject students should be able to locate and make use of regular and archival holdings of major research libraries; be familiar with relevant source materials; be familiar with electronic, printed and audio-visual sources; be able to make appropriate and efficient use of Australian sources within the communications field; and be able to analyse and present the results of detailed archival research.

Synopsis as for COM4001.

Assessment (8 points) Class exercise (300 words): 5% -Four short papers (700 words each): 40% -Class participation: 15% -Major essay (3000 words): 40%
Assessment (12 points) Class exercise (500 words): 5% -Four short papers (1000 words each): 40% -Class participation: 15% -Research essay (4500 words): 40%

Recommended texts

As for COM4001.

Preliminary reading

As for COM4001.

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