
Beginning Chinese, part 1

Gloria Davies

6 points -5 hours per week -First semester -Clayton

Objectives On successful completion of both parts one and two (CHI4120) students should have developed their language ability in the four primary skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing to the following proficiency levels: (1) the ability to read around 600 characters, (2) the ability to write around 600 Chinese characters in simple composition, (3) oral/aural skills for practical everyday communication purposes, approximate to Australian second language proficiency level one - minimum survival proficiency.

Synopsis Introduction to spoken and written modern Chinese.

Assessment Written tests: 15% -Verbal skills: 20% -Language laboratory work: 15% -Regular character dictation tests: 15% -Oral test: 15% -Written exam: 20%

Prescribed texts

Li Xiaoqi and others A new perspective: Context, function and structure in teaching Chinese vols 1-3, Beijing U P, 1995

Recommended texts

Beijing Language Institute (ed.) Concise English-Chinese Chinese-English dictionary OUP/Commercial Press

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