
Advanced intermediate Chinese, part 2

Jianjun Urwin

8 points - 4 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prerequisites: A pass in CHI3310 or equivalent

Objectives On completion of this subject students are expected tohave developed an undertstanding of some current issues in China; the ability to express personal views on such issues in Chinese; knowledge of a grammatical framework and vocabulary that enables students to write and speak in a relatively sophisticated manner; skills needed when watching authentic TV broadcast materials from China leading to a broadening of knowledge about contemporary China.

Synopsis Advanced intermediate spoken and written standard Chinese. In addition to regular classroom activities, listening and speaking skills will be further developed through the use of satellite TV broadcast materials from China.

Assessment Continuous assessment including class presentations, discussions, written tests and projects: 50% - Written exam: 35% - Oral exam: 15%

Prescribed texts

Li Xiaoqi and others A new perspective: context, function and structure in teaching Chinese, vols 1-3, Beijing U P, 1995
Beijing Languages Institute A brush up course in modern Chinese: Speaking 1993

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