
From Tiberius to Domitian

S J Bastomsky

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives Students completing this subject should become aware of how this system of government grew out of that analysed in the CHC1040 course and how rulers manipulate concepts and language itself.

Synopsis This subject covers Roman imperial history from the accession of Tiberius (14CE) to the death of Domitian (96 CE). The policies and personalities of the emperors of the time are examined.

Assessment Two tutorial essays (2000 words each): 60% Examination (2 hours): 40%

Prescribed texts

Garzetti From Tiberius to the Antonines Methuen
Suetonius The twelve caesars tr. R Graves, Penguin
Tacitus Complete works tr. A J Church and W J Brodribb, Modern Library

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