
The age of Athens

Not offered in 1999

A S McDevitt

6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives This subject aims to provide students with an understanding of the values and culture of Athens in the 5th century BC, particularly in its literature, art and thought, and to develop a deeper appreciation of the central continuing importance of Ancient Greece as the foundation of our own Western cultural traditions.

Synopsis One of the most influential social revolutions in Western history took place in Athens during the fifth century BC. The products of that period - the literature, art, architecture and thought - have an enduring impact on our own society. The subject examines the values of the ancient Athenian world and their impact through a study of major works of literature.

Assessment Tutorial paper (1000 words): 15% - Essay (1500 words): 35% - Examination (2 hours): 50%

Prescribed texts

Aeschylus Agamemnon in Aeschylus I ed. Grene and Lattimore, U Chicago P
Aristophanes The Birds and other Plays Penguin
Aristophanes Frogs in The Wasps, the Poet and the Women, the Frogs Penguin
Euripides Hippolytus and Medea in Euripides I ed. Grene and Lattimore, U Chicago P
Homer Odyssey tr. R Lattimore, Harper
Sophocles Antigone in Sophocles I ed. Grene and Lattimore, U Chicago P

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