
Introductory Cambodian (Khmer), part 1

6 points -5 hours per week -First semester -Clayton

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students should have acquired minimum survival proficiency in Cambodian.Students should also have developed the ability in speaking and listening to comprehend enough to meet basic survival needs, such as asking for and giving personal information, asking and talking about likes and dislikes, ordering or buying things, and making suggestions and agreeing. In reading the aim is to have students be able, with romanisation, to read anything they can say; in Cambodian script, they should be able to recognise and pronounce about a dozen different letters plus various simple combinations of these. In writing, they should attain a familiarity with the same dozen Cambodian letters and simple combinations of these, and in written composition (in roman script), they should attain the ability to write personal details and a short series of sentences about things that are familiar.

Synopsis As for CAM4110.

Assessment Examination (2 hours): 60% -Oral, classwork, assignments: 40%

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