
Social psychology

Bill Foddy

8 points - 2 hours per week - Second semester - Caulfield - Prohibition: SCY3400 Prerequisite: BHS1340

Objectives This subject addresses the question of how individuals influence one another in everyday social settings. Upon completing the course students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the following: a variety of theoretical perspectives that have been used by social psychologists; a number of major explanatory hypotheses that have been advanced and how these hypotheses apply to specific social situations; the analytic skills necessary for evaluating theoretical arguments and empirical evidence in social psychology.

Synopsis An introductory option involving one lecture and one tutorial per week. This option is designed to (i) reflect the interdisciplinary nature of the subject; (ii) cover the major perspectives in social psychology; (iii) review major research hypotheses and findings.

Assessment Assignment (4000 words): 60% - Test (2 hours): 40%

Prescribed texts

A set of readings will be available at the start of the course

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