
Practice skills

Leah Zaks

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton and Caulfield - Prohibited combination:WEL2390Prerequisite: WEL1340 or BHS1340

Objectives On completion of this subject students should be familiar with a range of approaches to interpersonal communication and human relationships; be aware of the differences between communication theories that relate to interpersonal and group situations; be able to initiate, maintain and terminate a basic interview, demonstrating attendance, empathy and congruence; be able to demonstrate skills in assertion and conflict management; be able to facilitate a simple group activity; be able to formulate in writing personal statements of themselves in relation to the material presented in the subject.

Synopsis An overview of various forms of communication skills including individual, group and systems approaches. An exploration of interviewing approaches for data collection, assessment, problem solving and helping. Responsibility, listening, confrontation, assertion and empathy. Individual and group processes. Facilitation and exploration of personal and group issues.

Assessment Facilitation of a group activity: 25% - Group facilitation report 25% - Essay (3000 words): 50%

Prescribed texts

Mackay H Why don't people listen? Pan, 1996

Recommended texts

Adamson G and Prentice J Communication skills in practice Nelson Wadsworth, 1987
Bolton R People skills Simon and Schuster, 1987
Egan G The skilled helper: A systematic approach to effective helping 4th edn, Brooks-Cole, 1990
Minichiello V and others In-depth interviewing Longman Cheshire, 1990
Nelson-Jones R Human relationship skills 2nd edn, Holt Reinhart and Winston, 1991
Nelson-Jones R Lifeskills helping Holt Reinhart and Winston, 1992
Shouksmith G Assessment through interviewing Pergamon, 1978
A more extensive reading list is supplied to students.

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