
Arts and cultural policy

David Dunstan, Annette Van den Bosch and Nick Walker

8 or 12 points -One 2-hour seminar per week -Second semester -Clayton

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject students should be able to acknowledge and administer the regulatory, legislative, and policy provisions which are relevant to the arts, cultural heritage and tourism, publishing and media; understand new developments and issues in arts and cultural policy, copyright and employment practices, sponsorship and licensing; research and analyse specific aspects of arts and cultural policy in relation to their economic, political, technological and historic context; debate and analyse cultural policy issues within a multidisciplinary framework that demonstrates advanced bibliographic and research skills.

Synopsis as for AUS4004.

Assessment (8 points) Research essay (3000 words): 50% -Tutorial paper (1500 words): 25% -Class presentation (1500 words): 25%
Assessment (12 points) Research essay (4000 words): 40% -Tutorial paper (2500 words): 20% -Class presentation and tutorial paper (2500 words): 20%

Preliminary reading

As for AUS4004.

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