
Research project

Offered subject to approval

David Dunstan

12 points -First or second semester -Clayton

Objectives The subject provides for a supervised special research project in cultural heritage or cultural policy. Its extended nature offers a student an opportunity to tackle a particular issue, project or problem, and to draw on a range of research methodologies appropriate to the fields of cultural heritage or cultural policy. On successful completion of the subject, a student will have demonstrated a mastery of appropriate research and presentation methodologies, advanced elucidation and problem solving skills, the ability to undertake and to implement a large scale research project, and an ability to contribute knowledge in the fields of cultural heritage and cultural policy.

Synopsis An approved topic of the candidate's choice.

Assessment Long essay or research project of 9000-10,000 words (or equivalent) or the equivalent of two publishable articles (9000-10,000 words total). Two copies to be submitted in typescript and suitably presented in the last week of semester.

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