
Tourism and development in the Asia-Pacific Region

May not be offered in 1999

John Dalton

8 or 12 points -One 2-hour seminar per week -Second semester -Clayton

Objectives On completion of this subject, students should have acquired an introduction to theoretical analysis and practical aspects of development in small third world countries; the ability to provide a cost-benefit analysis of the role of tourism in promoting economic development in these states; an appreciation of alternative forms of tourism which are less damaging to local cultures and eco-systems than conventional models; the ability to carry out an analysis of the tourism industry on a nation state within the Asia-Pacific region.

Synopsis as for ATD4130

Assessment (8 points) Essay (6000 words): 70% -Class participation: 10% -Class presentation: 20%
Assessment (12 points) Essay (8000 words): 70% -Class participation: 10% -Class presentation: 20%

Preliminary reading

As for ATD4130

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