
Industry internship

Offered subject to approval

Mr Jeff Jarvis

12 points -First or Second semester -Clayton

Objectives On successful completion of this subject students will have developed the skills to undertake a critical analysis of an individual firm within the tourism industry; have an understanding of key concepts of management; have developed practical work skills in an industry environment and be capable of undertaking an independent research study

Synopsis This subject gives the student the opportunity to gain real world experience with an existing firm in the tourism industry as well as the opportunity to apply the theoretical concepts studied in earlier subjects. Students are to work with a tourism firm for a minimum of five weeks full time (or ten weeks part time) under the direct supervision of a manager and ideally will complete a specific set project for the firm (after approval of the topic is given by the program coordinator). The student must submit either an analytical review of the firm or a copy of the specific project assignment that they have been working on with the firm and given an oral presentation of the project.

Assessment Research assignment (10,000 words): 100%

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