
International tourism marketing

Jeff Jarvis

8 or 12 points -One 3-hour seminar per week -Second semester -Clayton/City -Prerequisites: Students must have successfully completed ATM5010.

Objectives Students will be introduced to the basic dimensions of the tourism industry and gain an understanding of both the positive and negative impacts of tourism on a global scale. This subject will enable students to identify and understand the forces that are driving the world tourism industry; identify the key concepts associated with international market analysis; gain an understanding of the current issues in the key international source markets for Australia; gain an understanding of the basic techniques of international marketing; and to profile and interpret the key issues facing Australia in the key international tourism markets. Students will be given a grounding in quantitative research techniques and will have the opportunity to work with an industry partner in developing and carrying out a market research study.

Synopsis as for ATD4070

Assessment (8 points) Major assignment (5000 words): 45% -Class participation: 15% -Examination (2 hours): 40%
Assessment (12 points) Major assignment (7000 words): 45% -Class participation: 15% -Examination (2 hours): 40%

Preliminary reading

As for ATD4070

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