
Minoan problems

E A Carvalho

Not offered in 1999

8 points - 2 hour seminar per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives Upon completion students will have received guidance in researching the history of problem areas, and in evaluating today's orthodoxies.

Synopsis This course explores a number of topics of current concern, and oftentimes dispute, in Minoan scholarship. Within the framework of the phases of Cretan prehistory - prepalatial, palatial and postpalatial - an examination is made of social, economic, artistic and linguistic aspects of Minoan Crete. The focus is on relatively new archaeological finds and interpretations reported in books, articles and conference papers, as well as on information now available on the Internet.

Assessment Research assignment (1500 words): 25% - Tutorial essay (1500 words) 25% - Essay (3000 words): 50%

Prescribed texts

To be supplied by the Department of Classics and Archaeology

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