
Dating in archaeology

C A Hope

8 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives Upon completion of this subject students will have acquired an understanding of the various methods employed by archaeologists in dating artefacts and find contexts.

Synopsis Knowledge of excavation methods and dating techniques is basic equipment for the archaeology student and practitioner. The subject describes and assesses various non-scientific and scientific methods of dating artefacts and the contexts in which they are found. A comparison of the reliability of the different techniques will be included. Much of the discussion will relate to the Predynastic cultures of Egypt.

Assessment Tutorial essay (1500 words): 25% - Essay (2500 words): 35% - Examination (2 hours): 40%

Prescribed texts

Hoffman M A Eygpt before the pharaohs rev. edn, U Texas P, 1991
Renfrew C and Bahn P Archaeology Thames and Hudson, 1991

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