
Minoans and Mycenaeans

Not offered in 1999

E A Carvalho

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton

Objectives The object of the subject is to provide an in-depth study of the Minoan and Mycenaean civilisations through a detailed examination of the archaeological sites of Knossos (Crete) and Pylos (mainland Greece).

Synopsis The focus will be on the architecture, artefacts and administrative practices of the two palace sites. Attention will be given to a comparison of Minoan and Mycenaean palace sites. Attention will also be given to a comparison of Minoan and Mycenaean society as revealed in archaeological finds which include written documents.

Assessment Tutorial paper (1500 words): 25% - Essay (2500 words): 35% - Examination (2 hours): 40%

Recommended texts

Cadogan G Palaces of Minoan Crete Methuen, 1980
Hood S The arts in prehistoric Greece Penguin, 1978
Taylour Lord William The Mycenaeans Thames and Hudson, 1983

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