
Origins of Western civilisation 2: the Mediterranean world from 1000 BCE - 14 CE

S J Bastomsky,G E Bowen, E A Carvalho, C A Hope and H Sebo

6 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton

Objectives To introduce the major achievements and developments in Mediterranean culture in the first millennium BCE and their significance for the development for Western civilisation

Synopsis Dovetailing with, but not necessarily presupposing, ARY1010 the subject provides an overview of the Mediterranean world from the end of the Bronze Age until its domination by imperial Rome. The cultures examined are those of Egypt, Israel, Persia, Classical Greece, the Hellenistic kingdoms, Etruria and Rome. The themes examined, the aims and methodology follow those of ARY1010.

Assessment Map assignment: 10% - Two tutorial essays (1250 words each): 50% - Examination (2 hours): 40%

Recommended texts

Ben-Sasson (ed.) A history of the Jewish people Harvard, 1976
Davies J Democracy and Classical Greece Fontana, 1978
Dudley D Roman society Penguin, 1970
Herodotus The histories Penguin, 1972
Knapp B The history and culture of ancient Western Asia and Egypt Dorset Press, 1988
Murray O Early Greece Fontana, 1980
Pallottino M The Etruscans Penguin, 1955
Quirke S and Spencer J The British Museum book of Ancient Egypt British Museum Press, 1992
Richter G A handbook of Greek art Phaidon, 1969
Walbank F The Hellenistic world Fontana, 1981

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