
A comparative examination of cultures in South and Southeast Asia

Don Miller

8 points - 2 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton

Objectives Students can expect to develop an understanding of the relationship between Hinduism and caste, and of selected religious practices in both India and Bali; an appreciation of a comparative approach to the study of religion; an understanding of religion as an orthopraxy; and a critical awareness of the different ways that observers have sought to understand and document Hinduism as a practice.

Synopsis An introduction to the Hindu religious traditions of South and Southeast Asia. Particular attention will be given to a comparative analysis of Hinduisms in India and Bali.

Assessment Essay (2000 words): 40% - Essay (4000 words): 60%

Recommended texts

Barth F Balinese worlds Chicago U P, 1993
Connor L, Asch P and Asch T Jero Tapakan: Balinese healer 2nd edn, USC, 1996
Tyler S India: An anthropological perspective Goodyear, 1973
Warren C Adat and Dinas: Balinese communities in the Indonesian state OUP, 1993

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