
Understanding prejudice and discrimination

Michael Stevenson

8 points - 3 hours per week - Second semester - Clayton - Prohibition: COS2160

Objectives Students can expect to develop an understanding of the key concepts in terms of their social and historical contexts; a deeper and more reflective understanding of how the social and political dynamics of prejudice and discrimination are connected to specific interpretations of human nature and how these interpretations are cultural in origin; a critical awareness of the range of contemporary theoretical models that strive to explain the causes and the consequences of prejudice and discrimination; knowledge about the social and cultural history of prejudice and discrimination and its links with colonialism and slavery; an enhanced crosscultural and critical awareness of the social and historical bases of prejudice and discrimination in the modern world.

Synopsis If we examine arguments and conduct which support, justify and enact prejudice and discrimination, then what we find underlying them are theories about human nature. These theories of human nature which are connected to the diverse forms of prejudice and discrimination are always embedded within particular cultural, social, legal, political, economic and historical contexts. The subject therefore aims to (i) adopt a crosscultural comparative and historical approach to explaining the dynamics of prejudice and discrimination; and (ii) introduce students to the range of current arguments to demonstrate how scholars are striving to understand the contemporary dynamics of prejudice and discrimination.

Assessment One essay (1500 words): 25% - One essay (2500 words): 45% - Examination (2 hours): 30%

Recommended texts

Cashmore E Dictionary of race and ethnic relations 4th edn, Routledge, 1996
Cowlishaw G and Morris B Race matters: Indigenous Australians and 'our' society Aboriginal Studies Press, 1997
Donald J and Rattansi A 'Race', culture and difference Open University, 1992
Langton C Well, I heard it on the radio and I saw it on the television AFC, 1993
Markus A Australian race relations Allen and Unwin, 1994
Malik K The meaning of race: Race, history and culture in western society Macmillan, 1996
Solomos J and Back L Racism and society Macmillan, 1996
van Dijk T A Elite discourse and racism Sage, 1993
Vasta E and Castles S The teeth are smiling Allen and Unwin, 1996

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