
Contemporary anthropology

Don Miller

6 points - 3 hours per week - First semester - Clayton

Objectives Students in this subject can expect to begin to develop an understanding of the way anthropologists study society and culture; an appreciation of the problems faced by anthropologists in describing other cultures; skill in crosscultural analysis through consideration of specific ethnographic case studies; an ability to construct clearly written, logically organised and critically considered responses to the various topics and questions provided.

Synopsis This subject aims to introduce students to the way anthropologists study, describe and explain social and cultural difference. It will focus on the ethnographic study of society and culture by presenting students with intensive case studies of anthropological research.

Assessment Written (2500 words): 55% - Examination (2 hours): 45%

Prescribed texts

Keesing RM and Strathern AJ Cultural anthropology: A contemporary perspective Harcourt Brace, 1998

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