
Illustration 4

6 points - 4 studio hours and 8 independent study hours per week - First semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: VCO2203 - Elective

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students should illustrate with technical and aesthetic expertise; challenge traditional uses of illustration media and push the boundaries of image making; apply illustration practices to greater design problems; solve illustration problems eloquently, efficiently and skilfully; practice illustration with an awareness and consideration of current and historical illustration issues; pursue an identifying 'style' suited to their strengths and talents.

Synopsis This subject pushes students towards developing an identifiable personal style that can be used to successfully solve a wide range of illustration problems. Greater emphasis is placed on the professional aspects of the subject through interaction with practising illustrators and working to actual briefs. Students are encouraged to maintain reference folios and examine historical and current issues to help develop their visual vocabulary. A balance of efficiency, experimentation, aesthetics and communication is sought in each job, each one applied to a greater design problem.

Assessment Assigned projects: 100%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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