
Illustration 1

3 points - 2 studio hours and 4 independent study hours per week - Second semester - Caulfield - Prerequisite: DWG1401 - Corequisites: none - Elective

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students should be able to use traditional illustration media at a basic level; understand the uses and limitations of basic illustration tools and materials; continue to develop and apply the principles of form, shape and composition begun in DWG1401; identify the appropriate application of illustration in the commercial environment; comprehend the historical development of illustration as a persuasive communicative art form.

Synopsis This subject introduces students to the practice of illustration through a series of projects experimenting with a variety of simple media. Each project helps students to identify the role of illustration within the commercial environment. Students are made aware of how illustration is used to communicate an idea in a visual form and how it supports written material or verbal concepts. They are encouraged to experiment widely while gaining an increased knowledge of composition, form, colour and communication symbols.

Assessment Four major projects: 80% - Minor projects: 20%

Recommended texts

Heller S and Fernandes The business of illustration Watson Guptill, 1995
Howard R The illustrators bible Watson Guptill, 1995
McArthon B and Stuart D A smile in the mind - Witty thinking in graphic design Phaidon, 1996
Mcllroy Coats/Sharp Practice Illuminations: Solving design problems through illustration Elfande Art Publishing, 1993
Simpson I The new guide to illustration Chartwell Books, 1990
The Society of Publication Designers The best spot illustrations Rockport Publishers, 1995

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