
Professional practice A

3 points - One 1-hour lecture/tutorial and 5 independent study hours per week - Second semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: None - Corequisites: None

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students should understand the theory and practice of small business development and management as it relates to contemporary art and craft practice; appreciate the range and diversity of galleries and market outlets for fine art and applied arts; have communicative competence through effective folio presentation and oral and written communication; have a broad insight into relevant professional organisations, granting bodies and resources for the artist, craftsperson and designer/maker.

Synopsis A series of lectures covers the following topics: professional associations, small business development, folio preparation, fees and commissions, gallery management, the function and roles of public, private and artist run galleries, catalogue publication, curating, conservation, art criticism and intellectual property, copyright and taxation, promotion, publicity and press releases in addition to the documentation of work. Tutorials explore these options through practical exercises and case studies.

Assessment Oral presentation: 25% - Class paper: 25% - Assigned projects: 50%

Recommended texts

Simpson S The Visual artist and the law 2nd edn, Law Book, 1989
Stokes J Earning a living in the visual arts and crafts Australia 2nd edn, Hale and Ironmonger, 1987

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