
Services B

3 points - 6 hours per week including 2 hours in class and 4 independent study hours - Second semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: IAR1301 - Corequisites: None

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students should understand the major technical systems used in the provision of services; understand the major services products and outlets, and their impact on construction and interior use and ambience.

Synopsis Students are introduced to the technology of lighting and daylight, acoustics, power supply, water supply, waste removal, ventilation, heating and air conditioning, lift systems and the use of energy efficient and ecologically sound systems. Lectures cover current major products for the supply of services and their interior outlet hardware. Tutorials and seminars discuss the impact of the hardware and the outlets on interior use and ambience.

Assessment Examination: 40% - Assignment: 60%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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