
Painting studio 5

12 points - 24 hours per week, including 8 studio hours and 16 independent study hours per week - First semester - Caulfield - Prerequisites: FNA2203, FNA2204 - Corequisites: None - Core for painting major

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students should have a high degree of competence in a range of painting techniques; be developing a painting language suitable to their concerns; be producing work which addresses their own concerns and does so with a high degree of conceptual and technical prowess; be able to work independently; be able to critically evaluate their own work and that of others; be able to position their evaluations within the historical and contemporary contexts and lucidly and intelligently express these observations; be able to intelligently discuss the issues relevant to current art theory and practice.

Synopsis This subject finely hones the skills acquired over the previous two years. Lecturers facilitate students' own exploration, primarily through personal tuition where detailed analysis and discussion of students' work takes place. Whilst providing a stimulating and supportive environment this subject provides a bridge between students' experience in the supervised studio and a fully fledged professional practice in the broader arts arena.

Assessment Folio (including an initial project of not less than 20%): 100%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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