
Sculpture 4B

6 points - 4 studio hours and 8 independent study hours per week - Semester 4 - Caulfield - Prerequisites: FNA2705 - Elective

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students should show evidence of research into creative links between sculpture and their major study; be experimental and innovative in their use of materials and concepts; have a growing awareness of contemporary issues relating to sculpture; be able to critically evaluate their own work and that of others; demonstrate safe workshop practice.

Synopsis The studio practice will involve projects dealing with sculpture of a permanent and non-permanent nature, with an emphasis on experimentation and potential link with students major study. Formal and informal seminars will be conducted to discuss contemporary attitudes relating to sculpture and to provide a forum to review and critique work produced.

Assessment By folio consisting of journals, research and successful resolution of completed projects: 100%

Prescribed texts

To be advised

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