
Perceptual drawing

6 points - 3 studio hours for one semester and 9 independent study hours per week - Caulfield - Prerequisite: Any of DWG1102, DWG1202, DWG1301, DWG1401, or evidence by folio of suitable advancement in drawing to be approved by lecturer in charge of subject - Elective

Objectives On successful completion of this subject, students should have developed competence in the observation and graphic representation of form and space; competently explore a range of space-making devices and appropriate drawing strategies; have a deepening understanding of the significance of visual perception and the visual knowledge that derives from concentrated observation; competently explore, through drawing, the inner structures of a variety of manufactured and natural forms; investigate the aesthetic and expressive possibilities arising from intensive observational focus, that is relevant to the major study.

Synopsis This subject offers opportunities for students who require further advancement of skills through an intense study of the visible world. Through class projects, sustained attention will provide greater insights into the aesthetic and expressive qualities of forms and spaces and give opportunities to explore a variety of technical and conceptual means towards their appropriate representation.

Assessment Folio (including an initial project of not less than 20%): 100%

Recommended texts

Simpson I Drawing, seeing and observation Van Nostrand, 1992
Cooper D Drawing and perceiving Van Nostrand, 1992
Goldstein N The art of responsive drawing Prentice-Hall, 1992

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