Monash University Computing & Information Technology Handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
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Faculty Information

TAFE articulation

The faculty has established articulation arrangements with two TAFE courses: Associate Diploma in Business (Computer Programming) and Associate Diploma in Business (Microcomputing).

However, prospective TAFE students should note that they have no automatic right of transfer into the Bachelor of Computing program offered by Monash University, but must be selected in competition with other students.

Candidates articulating from the Associate Diploma in Business (Computer Programming) or the Associate Diploma in Business (Microcomputing) into a Bachelor of Computing on the Caulfield and Peninsula campuses are granted one year of advanced standing in the degree (a total of forty-eight credit points of the 144 points required to complete the degree). The exact subjects to be exempted will vary, depending on which major of the Bachelor of Computing degree the student is offered. However, credits can be claimed for both computing and non-computing subjects. In general candidates entering with these qualifications commence their studies as second-year students.

In some cases the exact structure of the course as offered on any campus must be considered when claiming non-computing credits and students are advised to discuss these with the faculty in relation to the particular non-computing units they have studied as part of their associate diploma. For example, at the Caulfield campus, regardless of the major chosen, normally at least twelve points at first-year level can be granted; where a student, as part of the associate diploma, has studied a unit which can be used as a foundation for a minor sequence in a non-computing discipline, a further six points at first-year level may be granted.

Detailed information about the computing majors mentioned above can be found in this handbook in the `Outline of undergraduate studies' section and in the course information brochures for each campus. The specific credits which will be granted for any associate diploma other than those mentioned here can be determined by contacting the faculty office at Caulfield. For more advice on any matter relating to admission, articulation or credit transfer from TAFE studies, contact Ms Clare Cole (Caulfield campus) on telephone (03) 903 2433.

The faculty is currently reviewing its articulation arrangements with a view to extending, if possible, the number of courses to which articulation applies.

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