Monash University Arts undergraduate handbook 1995

Copyright © Monash University 1995
Enquiries to

Computer literacy

The faculty requires each student to demonstrate or achieve a degree of computer literacy. The objective is to ensure that arts graduates are equipped with skills essential for both their continued academic work, and for their ready acceptance into the job market. The requirement is explicit recognition of the role that computers have increasingly come to play in intellectual work in recent years.

The requirement can be met in either of two ways: (i) by demonstrating competence in a short test; (ii) by successfully completing the course on introductory computing offered by the faculty.

This requirement applies to all arts undergraduate students whose first year of enrolment in the faculty was 1992 onwards, including double degree students. From 1995, students entering the Bachelor of Music program and the Bachelor of Music/Bachelor of Commerce double degree will also be expected to fulfil the requirement.

While the requirement must be met in either of the ways listed above by the end of the student's second year, the faculty encourages students to do so as soon as possible. Students who enter the faculty at the second or third-year levels on the basis of credit granted for previous studies must fulfil the requirement in their first year of enrolment.

CMP0001 An introduction to computers

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