8.1 The university has formal grievance procedures in the areas of exclusion, discipline and sex-based harassment. A working party of the Equal Opportunity Committee is currently investigating the possibility of extending the procedures relating to sex-based harassment to cover other areas of potential discrimination. The procedures outlined below will not impinge on these areas.
The manager for student relations and inquiries receives complaints from students about administrative matters and is charged with investigating and settling these complaints. The student rights officers, appointed by the student associations, receive and investigate complaints and act as advocates where appropriate. The officers of the Monash Postgraduate Association also act as advocates for postgraduate students. The appropriateness and value of these roles are acknowledged.
In general, it is desirable that grievance procedures should be kept as informal as possible and based on principles of mediation and conciliation. Complaints should be considered close to the source of the problem. Students should first discuss any concern with the staff member involved, and, if this is not satisfactory, with the head of department. Only if these approaches are unproductive should other mechanisms come into play. Even then, informal procedures are likely to be more effective than formal hearings.
8.2 Most of the faculties have established grievance committees to deal with students' complaints in areas other than those listed above. Those faculties which have not done so shall establish such committees. Faculties should consult with the university solicitor to ensure that these grievance procedures are appropriate.
All faculties shall appoint a senior academic staff member to hear complaints from students in relation to academic matters. This person could be designated an `associate dean of students', as in the Faculty of Business and Economics, but the faculties shall determine this as they see fit. It is likely that a fractional appointment of less than half-time will be sufficient for this function. This officer shall investigate complaints and mediate where appropriate, in order to facilitate the resolution of individual student grievances of an academic nature, but only on matters relating to the fairness and consistency of procedures, not those involving academic expertise and judgment. He or she shall also monitor the impact of policies, processes, rules and regulations on students generally, identifying issues and problems which need to be addressed and suggesting improvements. The existence and role of these officers shall be publicised to students in the faculty and they should meet regularly with student representatives. Deans will be asked for a report on their activities in their annual reports.
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