Offered in odd-numbered years
Mr Phillip Higgins
6 points * First semester * Four 1-hour lectures and one 4-hour laboratory per week * Gippsland/Distance * Prerequisites: GAS1383 and GAS1384 or permission of subject adviser
Objectives On the completion of this subject students will be able to understand modern physics phenomena and recognise how these assisted in the development of new technology; understand the mathematical description of acoustic waves and the fundamental properties of acoustic transmission media including boundary interactions; investigate the acoustic absorption properties of materials; describe the principles of operation of sound level measurement equipment; be proficient in the measurement of sound pressure levels and reverberation times in auditoria; understand the concepts of vector analysis applied to electromagnetism; understand electrostatic, magnetostatic and electromagnetic laws and appreciate their applications; understand and apply quantum statistics; classify solids and understand the concepts of formation of bands in solids; understand structures of solids and their fundamental properties including superconductivity; have achieved a basic understanding of polymer physics.
Synopsis This subject aims to consolidate and extend the fundamental physics and develop concepts and techniques in applied physics. The major topics of this subject include electromagnetism, acoustics, solid state physics and polymer physics. Study guides are provided which aim to integrate the practical aspects of each topic with theoretical background, via practice problems and laboratory/discovery sessions.
Assessment Subject examination and assignments: 70% * Laboratory work: 30%
Prescribed texts
Kinsler L E and others Fundamentals of acoustics 3rd edn, Wiley, 1982
Krane K Modern physics Wiley, 1985
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