It is the aim of the Department of Physics to provide all students with a professionally presented sequence of lectures and related practical work, whether they are intending to complete a pass, honours, or higher, degree with a major in physics, or a small sub-set through service subjects. Specific aims and objectives for all subjects and units are provided to students at the commencement of their studies, and these objectives are regularly reviewed. The teaching objectives that cover all physics offerings are, that on successfully completing the subject students will:
Physics is a major branch of modern science that provides a basis for an understanding of the physical world. Many of the important methods and techniques found in other branches of science and technology owe their existence to the practice of physics. The discipline of physics ranges from the very practical, such as an explanation as to why an integrated circuit works, to fundamental philosophical questions about reality. A program of study in physics provides a sound scientific background for today's complex and technologically oriented world.
The Department of Physics provides a range of subjects for those who wish to specialise in experimental physics, theoretical physics and applied physics, and also for students whose principal interests are in other branches of science. The department also provides subjects in materials science and image processing at both second and third-year levels, and in astronomy at the second-year level.
Most subjects offered by the department comprise lectures, problem classes, assignments and laboratory work. Except for third and fourth-year theoretical physics, practical work is an important part of all the undergraduate subjects in physics, and attendance in the laboratories is compulsory.
To complete a subject in physics a candidate shall, to the satisfaction of the head of department, participate and satisfactorily complete such compulsory exercises and laboratory work, if any, as shall be prescribed in subject information sheets. If the candidate has not completed the prescribed requirement for any subject, the candidate may be deemed ineligible to pass the subject, or be otherwise penalised, as shall be specified, for unsatisfactory performance.
Undue specialisation is avoided in the first three years (to pass BSc). In subsequent years (BSc honours, MSc, MAppSc and PhD) opportunities exist for specialisation within each of the fields of theoretical physics, experimental physics, astronomy and astrophysics, applied physics, image processing and materials science. For details of materials science, see separate entry.
Director of first-year studies: Dr David Mills
Subjects: PHS1011, PHS1022, PHS1031, PHS1042
Two first-year physics sequences are offered, PHS1011 and PHS1022 (Physics) and PHS1031 and PHS1042 (Physics for biosciences). The `Physics' sequence PHS1011 and PHS1022 covers the foundations of physics over two semesters, providing a balance between a theoretical understanding of physics along with practical applications and experimental physics. This sequence follows a mathematical approach using calculus and a Year 12 Physics background is assumed. This sequence is normally taken by students with interests in physics, mathematics, astrophysics, chemistry, computer science, those interested in the nature of the universe, and those doing double degrees. PHS1031 and PHS1042 (Physics for biosciences) are specifically designed for students interested in biomedical and environmental disciplines. There is an emphasis on applications of physics principles and instrumentation in the modern biosciences. The approach is more descriptive than the former sequence, without the use of calculus. Year 11 Physics provides the essential background material. Students with no Year 12 Physics, or whose mathematics is not strong, are advised to enrol in the PHS1031 and PHS1042 sequence.
Both PHS1011 and PHS1022 are normally required to enter the second-year physics subjects PHS2011 and PHS2022, and the second year applied physics subjects PHS2311 (Option A) and PHS2322, however students with exceptionally good results in PHS1031 and PHS1042 may be enrolled at the discretion of the head of department. PHS2311 (Option B) has been introduced especially for bioscience students. Either first-year sequence provides an adequate foundation to continue to second-year studies in astronomy, materials science and image processing.
There are five major subject groupings, or streams, that are taught by the Department of Physics in the BSc at second-year level. They are PHS2011 and PHS2022 (Physics), PHS2311 and PHS2322 (Applied physics, Option A and Option B), PHS2431 and PHS2442 (Image processing), PHS2251 and PHS2262 (Astronomy) and MSC2011 and MSC2022 (Materials science). These streams are designed to provide a good grounding in the various aspects of physics for students wishing to major in other disciplines as well as those intending to continue to third-year physics and beyond. The eight-point second-year physics subjects comprise four hours of lectures/problem classes/tutorials per week and five hours of laboratory work per week. Students intending to proceed to third-year physics and/or theoretical physics must pass PHS2011 and PHS2022. Students intending to study third-year applied physics must pass PHS2311 (Option A) and PHS2322. Students wishing to study the third-year image processing subject PHS3450 must pass PHS2431 or CSC3140. To continue to PHS3431 and/or PHS3442 students must pass PHS2442.
Students who wish to study both physics and applied physics subjects in first semester at second-year level may gain only twelve credit points as there is a common unit in PHS2011 and PHS2311. To accommodate this a four-point subject PHS2031 has been introduced. To gain twelve points in first semester, a student would enrol in PHS2011 and PHS2031, or PHS2311 and PHS2031. Students may enrol in both PHS2022 and PHS2322 to gain sixteen points in physics and applied physics in second semester, or twelve points by enrolling in the four-point subject PHS2042 and either PHS2022 or PHS2322.
Second-year physics coordinator: Associate Professor Peter Wells
Subjects: PHS2011, PHS2022, PHS2031, PHS2042, PHS2051, PHS2062
The subjects PHS2011 and PHS2022 each comprise four units and are designed to introduce some of the underlying principles of physics, including quantum physics, electricity and magnetism, optics, thermodynamics and atomic and nuclear physics. The need to keep abreast of aspects of instrumentation and electrical and electronic measurements is covered by the analogue electronics and AC theory units. Students intending to proceed to third-year physics/theoretical physics should also take the following four-point second-year mathematics subjects: MAA2011, MAT2010 and MAA2032.
PHS2031 and PHS2042 each comprise any two units from the above physics or applied physics subjects. In addition, PHS2051 and PHS2062 are provided for, and restricted to, second-year BSc/BE students who wish to take majors in mathematics and/or physics in their BSc and electrical engineering in their BE.
Astronomy coordinator: Mr Fred Robilliard
Subjects: PHS2251, PHS2262
The Department of Physics operates its own observatories at Mount Burnett and at the Clayton campus. These two subjects cover both theoretical and observational astronomy.
Second-year applied physics coordinator: Dr Andrew Cramond
Subjects: PHS2311, PHS2322
The subjects PHS2311 and PHS2322 provide a background in instrumentation and monitoring in the physical sciences and bioscience. The first semester subject PHS2311 is available as two options. Students who have passed PHS1011 and PHS1022 will normally be directed to take Option A units (`Digital electronics', `Microprocessors', `Acoustics, waves and applications' and `Electricity and magnetism') but may, with permission of the subject coordinator, choose one or more Option B units. Students who have passed PHS1031 and PHS1042 will normally be directed to take Option B units (`Image formation and vision', `Radiation and its biophysical interactions', `Acoustics, waves and applications' and `Energy conversion and nature's metabolism'). Students who have completed PHS2311 (Option A) and PHS2322 can continue at third-year level and honours in applied physics.
With its instrumentation theme, applied physics is particularly relevant for students studying in all areas of science or engineering who wish to obtain expertise in physical or biophysical measurement and monitoring. Applied physics also complements the other second year physics subjects.
Image processing coordinator: Dr Imants Svalbe
Subjects: PHS2431, PHS2442
Many physical measurements lend themselves to two-dimensional visualisation, and subjects in computer imaging and computer vision are increasingly relevant to industry, medicine and contemporary scientific research. These two subjects are oriented towards the practice of image processing. They cover the acquisition of image data, its processing and comparison with the human visual system.
Four subject sequences are offered by the Department of Physics at third-year level; physics, theoretical physics, applied physics and advanced image processing.
Third-year physics coordinator: Dr Andrew Smith
Subjects: PHS3011, PHS3022, PHS3031, PHS3042, PHS3051, PHS3062, PHS3351/2, PHS3360/1/2, PHS3611, PHS3622
Third-year physics subjects are offered either as twelve or twenty-four point semester subjects. In both cases the subjects are made up of a specified number of units (some compulsory) from the list following the subject synopses for theoretical physics. Each unit comprises twelve one-hour lectures. The twelve-point physics subjects, PHS3031, PHS3042, PHS3051 and PHS3062 comprise four lecture units plus six hours of laboratory work per week for the semester. The twenty-four point physics subjects, PHS3011 and PHS3022 have eight lecture units and twelve hours of laboratory work per week. In all these subjects the choice of units must be approved by the coordinator.
Two physics project subjects, PHS3351/2 (four points) and PHS3360/1/2 (eight points), have been introduced to allow students to work individually on a project of their choice with a staff supervisor.
A special pair of twenty-four-point subjects, PHS3611 and PHS3622, is also offered and is designed for students with a background in both physics and physiology who wish to spend most of their time in third year taking physics with a substantial component of physiology. Students who do sufficiently well in both PHS3611 and PHS3622 may be allowed to proceed to PHS4000 (Physics) or PHY4000 (Physiology).
Third-year theoretical physics coordinator: Dr Andrew Smith
Subjects: PHS3131, PHS3142, PHS3151, PHS3162
The twelve-point theoretical physics subjects, PHS3131, PHS3142, PHS3151 and PHS3162 are made up from six lecture units. PHS3131 and PHS3142 also include a one-hour seminar class each week.
Third-year applied physics coordinator: Dr Greg Jakovidis
Subjects: PHS3331, PHS3342
Applied physics at third-year level comprises two subjects PHS3331 and PHS3342. These two subjects, each of four units (two of which are core units), maintain a theme of instrumentation and monitoring, emphasising frequency domain signal processing, the extraction of signals from noise, and the application of instrumentation to measurements in a number of physical fields.
The requirement for entry to honours-year applied physics is a pass in both PHS3331 and PHS3342 at an average of a credit level.
Advanced image processing coordinator: Dr Imants Svalbe
Subjects: PHS3431, PHS3442, PHS3450
This sequence comprises three subjects that examine the principles of low-level vision and pattern recognition processes in man and machine.
The subject PHS3431 examines in detail low-level vision processes in man and machine from an architectural and computational viewpoint, with an emphasis on parallel algorithms. Colour vision perception and physiology of the human system are used to provide a contrast with machine vision. In the subject PHS3442, particular emphasis is given to the theoretical links that exist between apparently distinct image processing techniques. The representation and preservation of information in images is examined from the perspective of image-to-image mappings. PHS3431 and PHS3442 are strongly supported by laboratory work using parallel pipeline image processors.
The subject PHS3450 surveys current developments in image processing theory and presents recent case studies of image processing applications in industry, medicine, biology and agriculture. Particular emphasis is given to the formation and analysis of three-dimensional images. PHS3450 contains a significant individual project component.
Fourth-year physics coordinator: Professor John Pilbrow
Subjects: PHS4000, PHS4100, PHS4200
At the honours level, physics offers three subjects, PHS4000 (Experimental physics), PHS4100 (Theoretical physics) and PHS4200 (Applied physics). Students wishing to proceed to fourth year should apply towards the end of their third year. Normally, a credit or a higher grade at third-year level is required. All students are assigned an individual supervisor. All three subjects consist of lecture units and a research-oriented project.
Students may commence honours studies at either the beginning of the year or at mid-year. For both groups of students lectures are conducted in first semester and the research project undertaken in second semester. By arrangement with their supervisor, a student may undertake a limited amount of coursework in second semester, but it is intended that the research work be carried out without distraction from other activities.
Thus, students commencing at the beginning of the year complete all (or most) of their coursework in first semester and undertake the bulk of their project work in second semester. They are normally required to begin their studies during the first week of February. Those students entering at mid-year carry out their project in the second semester of that year and complete all (or most) of their coursework in the first semester of the following year. They are expected to begin their honours studies by the start of second semester.
The lecture units are only offered in first semester, and each unit comprises approximately eighteen hours of class contact. Students are required to choose lecture units in collaboration with their supervisors. Students enrolling in PHS4000, PHS4100 and PHS4200 must note the compulsory units under the relevant headings.
The lecture units are listed in chapter 6 `Units'. Not all fourth-year units listed may be offered in any one year. In special circumstances some variation in the compulsory units listed may be permitted. Students may include units at an appropriate level from those available in other departments of the university. Students who have taken units offered at both third and fourth-year levels, as part of their third-year study, may not repeat those units at honours year.
Students completing an honours year in physics will have a standard of core physics knowledge that will equip them to fully participate as professional physicists in a range of physics based careers or to commence a research degree in physics. The range of units offered will enable them to demonstrate knowledge of a range of physical phenomena. Successful completion of the substantial project will include the demonstration of achievement, knowledge and initiative in a particular area of physics.
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