HD High distinction, with marks in the range 85-100 per cent.
D Distinction, with marks in the range 75-84 per cent.
C Credit, with marks in the range 65-74 per cent.
P Pass, with marks in the range 50-64 per cent.
PII Division II pass (frequently called `P2 pass'), with marks in
the range 45-49. This grade counts for the purpose of the academic record of
the student, but no more than one P2 grade may be counted in a pair of
sequential subjects if being used as prerequisites for a higher level subject
or subjects. Students should note that, whereas they may be awarded any
number of P2 passes during their whole course of studies, they are restricted
in qualifying for the award of their degree, to counting not more than
twenty-four points of subjects at P2 level, with not more than eighteen points
at levels one and two, and not more than twelve points at level three. Students
must prepare to repeat the work in the other P2 subjects if they are to be
counted towards qualifying for the degree.
NN Fail result, with marks in the range 0-44 per cent.
Honours results are notified in the following grades without marks:
HI Honours, first class;
HIIA Honours, second class A;
HIIB Honours, second class B;
HIII Honours, third class.
As an MSc part 1 program does not
lead to a course award, results are notified as follows:
SFR (equivalent honours grade) meaning that the student has
satisfied the program requirements at an equivalent honours grade of HI, HIIA,
HIIB or HIII as indicated within the brackets;
NE Not examinable, ie a code to indicate that the program is not
complete in the current year;