Nursing 6: Nursing for people experiencing acute illness 2
Ms M Cross
10.5 points * 239 hours per semester * First semester * Gippsland * Prerequisites: GHS2420, GHS2422 * Corequisites: GAS3117
Objectives This subject will provide the opportunity for students to build on existing knowledge of the provision of acute health care services to individuals and families; further develop skills of reflective practice; demonstrate a collaborative approach to planning and implementing care as well as educating clients and families for health; recognise the importance of a community-based education program as an integral part of pre-hospital emergency care; apply concepts related to legal and ethical issues to nursing care; develop awareness of the role and scope of nursing practice which applies to acutely ill persons and their families; examine acute life-threatening impairment of health and explore the role of the nurse in assisting the individual within the family context towards recovery or a peaceful death.
Synopsis This subject builds on the knowledge and skills acquired in previous nursing subjects by exploring further the pathophysiological and psychosocial bases for illness and applying research-based principles of nursing practice and therapies within a caring context. It encourages the student to think critically about nursing practice and to further develop problem-solving skills. The focus will be on the individual receiving care but will extend to the needs of the family. The subject seeks to apply theory and principles from other subjects including legal and ethical issues to nursing practice. The subject is taught by lectures, lecture/demonstration, tutorials and nursing skills laboratory, using the exploration of concepts central to nursing as the organising principle. Application of theory and skills will be facilitated by the use of scenarios and learning packages. Attendance at nursing skill laboratories is mandatory. Clinical practice as a teaching and learning method will be arranged at intervals throughout the subject. Supervised clinical placements will be in acute health care settings. Reflective participation in practice is encouraged through group debriefing in the clinical setting. Attendance at clinical sessions is mandatory. The student is expected to demonstrate an appropriate level of knowledge and skills in order to deliver care safely in the clinical setting. Where a student's skills and knowledge are found to be inadequate access to the clinical component of the subject will be denied.
Assessment Written (2000 words): 20% * Written (3000 words): 30% * Examination: 50% * Clinical assessment: pass/fail * Students must demonstrate proficiency in nursing practice in order to complete the subject successfully * Participation in debriefing and documentation of care in the clinical setting form part of the assessment in clinical * Successful completion of the subject requires a pass in the theoretical examination * Students who do not pass the clinical component are deemed to have failed the subject.
Prescribed texts
Australian Resuscitation Council Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Australian Resuscitation Council, 1989
Black J M and Matassarin-Jacobs E M Luckmann and Sorensen's `Medical-surgical nursing' 4th edn, Saunders, 1993
Kozier B and others Fundamentals of nursing: Concepts, process and practice 5th edn, Addison-Wesley, 1995
Paterson R A and others 2nd edn, Pharmacological aspects of nursing care Nelson, 1996
Porth C M Patho-physiology: Concepts of altered health states Lippincott, 1990
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