Students selected for admission to the Subfaculty of Nursing should read this handbook carefully before enrolling. Re-enrolling students should purchase a handbook each year and be familiar with its contents, as changes may be made from year to year. Students should note that degree regulations are the formal prescription of the requirements to complete a degree and it is the student's responsibility to ensure that the requirements are understood.
Students are advised that, while the subfaculty will endeavour to give every possible assistance and advice concerning subject choice, the onus is on the student to ensure that the subjects selected meet the course regulations and requirements. The subfaculty does not take any responsibility for error in subject selection.
In addition to the outline of subjects contained in the handbook, students should be familiar with the Student information handbook, which contains the details of selection, international student selection procedures, full-fee courses for international students, enrolments, pre-enrolment, re-enrolment, change of course, examination and other procedures.
Students are expected to read and understand the degree regulations and to ensure that the course they choose is in accordance with these regulations.
A major responsibility of all students is to ensure that all information held by student administration, especially names and addresses, is accurate. The university does not accept responsibility if official communications fail to reach a student who has not provided notification of a change of mailing address.
Brief assessment information is available within the `subject details' chapter of this handbook.
At the Peninsula campus, detailed assessment procedure manuals are made available to students prior to the commencement of studies each year.
The following grades are used by the Subfaculty of Nursing:
The board of examiners meetings are held at the end of each semester and as required. Results are sent to students by mail after the board of examiners meeting and they are also posted on official notice boards. Supplementary examinations may only be granted in special circumstances. Special deferred examinations may be offered where a student is unable to attend examination due to illness and supplies a relevant medical certificate within forty-eight hours of the examination.
These books form the major part of the course and students are advised to purchase their own copy. Limited numbers will be available in the library.
Students who wish to seek credits and exemptions from course requirements (because of relevant and equivalent studies in other courses or institutions) should apply through the school's and centre's student administration office at the relevant campus.
Students should note that cheating at the university is regarded as a very serious offence which is likely to lead not only to failure in the subject concerned but also to additional penalties including exclusion. Students should carefully note that the taking of any unauthorised material into examinations such as notes or unauthorised dictionaries will be regarded as cheating. Students should also note that essays, assignments and other work are generally understood to be the student's own work and where any such work is identical with or similar to another student's work, an assumption of cheating may arise. Where students wish to undertake work in conjunction with other students, it is suggested that the matter be discussed with the lecturer concerned.
According to university general procedures, students whose progress is considered unsatisfactory may be liable to exclusion from the subfaculty, but no decision will be taken to exclude a student until the student has been given an opportunity to present a case to the Unsatisfactory Progress Committee of the school being attended and the Subfaculty Exclusions Committee. Where the committee is of the opinion that the academic progress of any student enrolled in the subfaculty is unsatisfactory, having regard to the results in or failure to undertake any examination, test, assignment, essay or any other work required to be done by the student as part of the course, the committee may take steps as necessary, depending on the circumstances of the case.
For information on unsatisfactory progress and on appeal procedures, students are referred to the Monash University Calendar Statute 6.2 - Exclusions for Unsatisfactory Progress, and the regulations associated with this statute.
Requests for transfer of courses and inclusion of subjects from other campuses may be made at the campus at which you are enrolled.
Applications for leave of absence should be forwarded, in writing, to the head of school or centre director at the appropriate campus.
According to university procedure, student grievance procedures are available to facilitate confidential resolution of grievances for students who believe that they have a grievance against the subfaculty, where procedures for the resolution of that grievance are not provided for by other means.
Students should first discuss any concern with the staff member involved or the course coordinator, or, if this is not satisfactory, with the head of the school or director of the centre.
If a student is unable to resolve a grievance by other means, he or she should contact the head of the Subfaculty of Nursing and explain in writing the basis of the grievance.
The details of the formal procedures relating to grievances are available from the respective schools/centre or from the subfaculty office.
On successful completion of the Bachelor of Nursing, graduates will be eligible for registration with the Nurses Board of Victoria.
![]() | Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria
3168 Copyright © Monash University 1996 - All Rights Reserved - Caution Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996 |