Chemistry III
6 points * 6 hours per week * First semester * Clayton * Prerequisites: CHM1710 and CHM1722
Objectives The subject is designed to develop and extend the knowledge of the concepts of modern chemistry in directions appropriate for chemical engineers. The selection of topics in organic chemistry, surface chemistry, polymer chemistry and electrochemistry is chosen with a view to the requirements of the other parts of the chemical engineering course.
Synopsis The topics in the subject consist of organic chemistry, including reactions of nucleophiles, electrophiles, carbocations, free radicals and aromatic compounds (twelve lectures); surface chemistry, including physical and chemical properties of surfaces (six lectures); polymer chemistry, including the chemical and physical properties of common polymers (six lectures); electrochemistry, including galvanic and electrolytic cells and ionic conductance (six lectures). The associated practical course is made up of five hours of laboratory work per week for eight weeks (four weeks organic and four weeks physical). Approximately one hour per week would be taken up with tutorials and consultations with lecturers. Arrangements for tutorials and laboratory classes will be made known in the first week of lectures.
Assessment Examinations (3 hours): 75% * Laboratory work: 25%
Recommended texts
Oxtoby D W and Nachtrieb N H Principles of modern chemistry HBJ, 1990
![]() | Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria
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