The Bachelor of Engineering/Bachelor of Arts double degree program is available to candidates pursuing studies in chemical engineering, civil engineering, electrical and computer systems engineering, materials engineering and mechanical engineering, and can normally be completed in five years of full-time study (see note 1 below).
The subjects required for the BE in each of the engineering courses are listed below, and the requirements for degree completion are stipulated at the end of each list.
For the BA, candidates must complete an approved major sequence (fifty-two points) in one discipline and an approved minor sequence (twenty-eight points) in another discipline for a total of eighty points. Both disciplines must be chosen from those listed in Arts subject list A, part I in the Faculty of Arts handbook.
1 The BE/BA was originally established to enable candidates concurrently to study engineering and one of several languages and related subjects. Special efforts were made by the faculties of Engineering and Arts to achieve workable timetables for the courses of the four engineering departments involved and courses in French, German, Indonesian, Japanese, Spanish and, in the case of the Department of Civil Engineering only, visual arts. However, now that any arts major and any arts minor sequence can be taken, candidates are warned that timetabling difficulties may be encountered and that it may not be possible in all cases to complete the double degree in five years of full-time study.
2 Candidates are responsible for compiling their own timetables, and may not exceed twenty-eight credit points in any semester.
3 The prerequisites and corequisites set out in Arts list I, part 1 and in the outline of studies section of the Faculty of Arts handbook must be satisfied.
4 Structure. In the first year of study candidates should take level-one engineering subjects worth thirty-six credit points (all those listed in level one for the relevant course except those asterisked [*], which should be taken in a subsequent year) and a twelve-point first-year sequence in arts. Thereafter candidates may structure their courses as they wish, having regard to the constraints imposed by timetabling and the need to satisfy prerequisites for later-year subjects. The latter will probably require most candidates to take some engineering and some arts subjects in each year of study. Candidates in language disciplines are advised to ensure continuity of language study.
Courses in engineering
Level one
CHE1120 Industrial chemistry
CIV1210 Mechanics of structures*
ECS1310 Electrical systems and computer engineering
MTE1510 Mechanical properties of materials*
ECS1610 Engineering computing
CHM1710 Chemistry I
CHM1722 Chemistry II
PHS1810 Physics I
MAT1910 Engineering mathematics I
MAT1920 Engineering mathematics II
CHE2110 Analysis of chemical processing systems I
CHE2111 Analysis of chemical processing systems II
CHE2120 Thermodynamics I
CHE2140 Chemical engineering
CHE2150 Chemical engineering practice I
CHE2160 Chemical engineering practice II
CHE2170 Chemical engineering communications
CHM2711 Chemistry III
MAT2910 Engineering mathematics III
MAT2920 Engineering mathematics IV
MAT2930 Numerical methods
CHE3102 Heat and mass transfer I
CHE3103 Heat and mass transfer II
CHE3104 Momentum transfer II
CHE3107 Process control
CHE3108 Process design and operation I
CHE3109 Process design and operation II
CHE3111 Transport phenomena I
CHE3112 Transport phenomena II
CHE3113 Thermodynamics II
CHE3114 Thermodynamics and electrochemistry
CHE3118 Chemical engineering practice III
CHE3119 Chemical engineering practice IV
MAT3910 Integral transforms and calculus of variations
MAT3920 Statistical methods
CHE4102 Reaction engineering II
CHE4109 Process design and operation III
CHE4110 Process simulation and control
CHE4112 Environmental engineering
CHE4114 Management I
CHE4115 Management II
CHE4117 Design project
Plus one subject worth three credit points from the chemical engineering
level four elective subjects as set out in subject list I.
CIV1210 Mechanics of structures
ECS1310 Electrical systems and computer engineering
MEC1410 Engineering mechanics
MTE1510 Mechanical properties of materials
ECS1610 Engineering computing
CHM1710 Chemistry I
PHS1810 Physics I
MAT1910 Engineering mathematics I
MAT1920 Engineering mathematics II
CIV2220 Surveying
CIV2221 Stress and structural analysis
CIV2250 Civil engineering computing
CIV2260 Design of structures
CIV2271 Introduction to geoengineering
MEC2430 Fluid mechanics
MTE2540 Materials science and engineering
MAT2930 Numerical methods
MAT2941 Civil engineering mathematics
MAT2952 Statistical methods
CIV3203 Civil engineering project management
CIV3225 Steel structures
CIV3227 Elastic stress analysis
CIV3228 Concrete structural design
CIV3229 Analysis of structures
CIV3230 Inelastic structures
CIV3244 Geoengineering, seepage and environmental geoengineering
CIV3245 Geoengineering geology
CIV3246 Geoengineering: stability and settlement
CIV3261 Hydraulics
CIV3262 Public health engineering
CIV3263 Hydrology
CIV3281 Transport and traffic engineering
CIV4212 Civil engineering practice 4
CIV4213 Civil engineering business management
CIV4232 Timber, masonry and building technology
CIV4233 Concrete technology
CIV4282 Highway engineering
Plus at least fifteen credit points required from civil engineering
level-four elective subjects as set out in subject list I.
ECS1610 Engineering computing
PHS1810 Physics I
PHS1820 Physics II
MAT1910 Engineering mathematics I
MAT1920 Engineering mathematics II
Any three of the following five subjects:
CHE1110 Introduction to chemical processing systems
CIV1210 Mechanics of structures
MEC1410 Engineering mechanics
MTE1510 Mechanical properties of materials
CHM1710 Chemistry I
(36 cp)
ECS2320 Electromagnetic theory I
ECS2340 Telecommunications
ECS2350 Electrical energy I
ECS2360 Electronics and control systems I
ECS2370 Computer systems engineering I
ECS2380 Computer systems engineering II
PHS2081 Physics III
MAT2910 Engineering mathematics III
MAT2920 Engineering mathematics IV
MAT2930 Numerical methods
(37 cp)
ECS3311 Circuit theory II
ECS3312 Circuit theory III
ECS3321 Electromagnetic theory II
ECS3331 Control systems II
ECS3361 Small-signal amplifiers
ECS3362 Large-signal circuits
ECS3371 Computer systems engineering III
ECS3381 Computer systems engineering IV
ECS3392 Management II
MAT3910 Integral transforms and calculus of variations
MAT3920 Statistical methods
Computer systems stream
ECS3343 Computer communications
ECS4393 Management III
ECS4394 Thesis project A (9 cp)
or ECS4395 Thesis project B (12 cp)
Computer systems stream
ECS4367 Electronic systems and components
ECS4373 Computer systems engineering V
plus electives to a total of 25/22 cp (#) chosen from the level-four
computer systems stream elective subjects in subject list I.
(45 cp )
Electrical and electronic systems stream
ECS3391 Electrical design
ECS4313 Signal processing
ECS4332 Modern control systems
ECS4353 Electrical energy systems I
(46 cp)
Electrical and electronic systems stream:
ECS3341 Information transmission
ECS3351 Electrical energy II
(45 cp)
Telecommunications stream
ECS3341 Information transmission
ECS3342 Switching and signalling
(45 cp)
plus electives to a total of 15/12 cp (#) chosen from the level-four
electrical stream elective subjects in subject list I
(46 cp)
Telecommunications stream
ECS4313 Signal processsing
ECS4322 Microwave and mobile radio systems
ECS4344 Digital transmission and optical systems
ECS4373 Computer systems engineering V
plus electives to a total of 19/16 cp (#) chosen from the level-four
telecommunications stream elective subjects in subject list I
(46 cp)
(#) Higher cp if 9-cp project chosen, lower if 12-cp project
CIV1210 Mechanics of structures
ECS1310 Electrical systems and computer engineering
MEC1410 Engineering mechanics
MTE1510 Mechanical properties of materials
ECS1610 Engineering computing
MAT1910 Engineering mathematics I
MAT1920 Engineering mathematics II
One of the following two subjects:
CHM1710 Chemistry I
PHS1810 Physics I
MTE2511 Structure of engineering materials I
MTE2512 Structure of engineering materials II
MTE2514 Thermomechanical analysis
MTE2520 Phase transformations
MTE2530 Polymer morphology and structure
MTE2580 Materials selection and manufacturing
MAT2910 Engineering mathematics III
MAT2920 Engineering mathematics IV
MAT2930 Numerical methods
and one of the following three subjects:
CHE2120 Thermodynamics
ECS2300 Electrical engineering
MEC2430 Fluid mechanics
MTE3502 Physical metallurgy
MTE3503 Engineering practice I
MTE3504 Mechanical properties of polymers
MTE3505 Fracture and fracture mechanics
MTE3506 Plasticity and metal shaping
MTE3507 Ceramics
MTE3508 Electrical and magnetic materials
MTE3509 Polymer rheology and processing
MTE3510 Surfaces
MTE3511 Mechanical behaviour of metals and alloys
MTE4522 Engineering design
MTE4526 Project II (Candidates studying under this subject list are
automatically exempt from MTE4525 Project I but see below.)
MTE4560 Polymer engineering
MTE4561 Metallurgical engineering
MTE4562 Ceramics engineering
Plus subjects to the value of fifteen credit points chosen from
materials engineering level-four elective subjects as set out in subject list
I. MTE4525 Project I may be taken instead of one elective but it must precede
MTE4526 Project II.
ECS1310 Electrical systems and computer engineering
MEC1410 Engineering mechanics
MTE1510 Mechanical properties of materials
ECS1610 Engineering computing
CHM1710 Chemistry I
PHS1810 Physics I
MAT1910 Engineering mathematics I
MAT1920 Engineering mathematics II
ECS2300 Electrical engineering
MEC2410 Engineering practices: drafting
MEC2420 Engineering practices: design process
MEC2430 Fluid mechanics
MEC2440 Applied mechanics
MEC2450 Engineering practices: design of machine elements
MEC2480 Fundamentals of energy conversion
MEC2490 Computer programming
MTE2540 Materials science and engineering
MEC3402 Systems and control
MEC3403 Engineering practices: machine design
MEC3405 Fluid mechanics
MEC3406 Mechanical vibrations
MEC3408 Deformation of solids
MEC3409 Computer-assisted engineering
MEC3491 Statistical analysis of mechanical systems
MAT3910 Integral transforms and calculus of variations
MAT2920 Engineering mathematics IV
MAT2930 Numerical methods
Introduction to chemical processing systems
Momentum transfer I
Reaction engineering I
Introduction to chemical processing systems*
Civil engineering practice 2
Civil engineering practice 3
Project A
and computer systems engineering
Electrical systems and computer engineering
Circuit theory I
electives to a total of 6 cp chosen from the level-three computer systems
stream elective subjects in subject list I.
Electronic systems and components
Introduction to chemical processing systems
Management I
Engineering practice
Mechanics of structures
Stress and structural analysis
Fundamentals of heat transfer
four of the mechanical engineering course as set out in subject list I.
Engineering mathematics III
Requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in chemical engineering
The student requires 188 credit points for the Bachelor of Engineering degree, of which not less than 165 credit points must be obtained in subjects prescribed by this subject list which are also listed in the course in chemical engineering in subject list I.
The student requires 188 credit points for the Bachelor of Engineering degree, of which not less than 164 credit points must be obtained in subjects prescribed by this subject list which are also listed in the course in civil engineering in subject list I.
The student requires 188 credit points for the Bachelor of Engineering degree, of which not less than 164 credit points must be obtained in subjects prescribed by this subject list which are also listed in the course in electrical and computer systems engineering in subject list I.
The student requires 188 credit points for the Bachelor of Engineering degree, of which not less than 167 credit points must be obtained in subjects prescribed by this subject list which are also listed in the course in materials engineering in subject list I.
The student requires 188 credit points for the Bachelor of Engineering degree, of which not less than 167 credit points must be obtained in subjects prescribed by this subject list which are also listed in the course in mechanical engineering in subject list I.
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