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LOTE methodology

Ms J McGannon and Ms M Gindidis

12 points
* 3 hours per week
* Full-year subject over school vacations
* Clayton
* Prerequisites: A major, post-Year 12 or its recognised equivalent, in a language other than English and an initial teaching qualification

Objectives Upon successful completion of this subject, students should have been exposed to a range of communicative/interactive models of L2 learning-teaching and have acquired knowledge and understanding of a variety of assessment practices relevant to LOTE, the theoretical principles underpinning the development of the four macro-skills in their language and SLA principles which influence current classroom teaching approaches in LOTE; have developed a reflective approach to the teaching-learning of a LOTE in Victorian secondary and primary schools; be able to work in a variety of L2 programs including mother tongue maintenance, partial immersion, language arts programs; have developed lesson plans with appropriately expressed aims and outcomes and which take into account the language-learning strategies and experiences of a range of learners in particular classes in specific school settings.

Synopsis This subject aims to provide a thorough grounding in principles of second language acquisition (SLA) and foreign/second language teaching methodology which impact directly on classroom practice. It provides the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in communicative/interactive approaches and to apply their theoretical principles to a range of educational settings with a variety of learner backgrounds. In addition, it provides a background knowledge and understanding of a range of assessment practices and curriculum designs relevant to LOTE as well as the opportunity to practise and analyse these.

Assessment Glossary (1000 words): 10%
* Practical exercises: 30%
* Unit of work (3000-4000 words): 60%

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Handbook Contents | Faculty Handbooks | Monash University
Published by Monash University, Clayton, Victoria 3168
Copyright © Monash University 1996 - All Rights Reserved - Caution
Authorised by the Academic Registrar December 1996